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Project Management
Logix Projects Management System
Project Management Software features are integrated with General Ledger, Accounts Payable Software, Accounts Receivable Software, Sales Order Management, Purchase Order Management, Inventory Management, and the Time and Expense mobile application.
Manage budgeting, inventory, change orders, time sheets, billing, profitability, and reporting for individual business initiatives. Projects are included in company-wide financial reports.
Purchasing management
Financial Management
Inventory Management
HR Management
Equipment Management
Workflow management
Project conception and initiation
Post mortem
Project initiation
Project Definition & Planning
Scope & goal setting
Work breakdown
Gantt Chart
Communication Plan
Risk Management
Project Launch or Execution
Status & tracking
Project Performance &control
Quality deliverables
Effort & cost tracking
Project Close
Post mortem
Project Punchlist

أهم فوائد نظام لوجيكس لإدارة الموارد البشرية | most important benefits

Project Accounting Management Modules
Project Cost Tracking
Get the total view of all costs related to a project including materials, labor, services, and inventory items. Allocate shared costs and overhead expenses to projects based on formulas. Ideal for project-centric businesses including construction, engineering, marketing, consultants, legal, etc.
Advanced Billing
Manage all billing scenarios: cost plus, fixed price, time and materials, milestone billing, and contract-specific pricing. Modify resource billing rates by project, project tasks, inventory item, employee, and account group. Bill labor and materials according to the customer, the type of work being performed, or the specific project contract.
Time Management
Employees, partners, and contractors can enter timesheets from anywhere using any device with a browser. Add convenience and improve accuracy with LOGIX ERP Project Accounting Software.
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