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It’s Time to Make Smarter Decisions Using Logix AI System.
It’s Time to Make Smarter Decisions Using Logix AI System.

discover | Sunday - 08 / 09 / 2024 - 9:53 pm

In today’s data-driven world, making effective decisions is more important than ever. Companies are constantly seeking ways to extract valuable insights from their vast data wealth and translate it into actionable strategies. Here, Logix AI system unleashes the power of predictive analytics with artificial intelligence for making smarter business decisions. In the following article, we will discuss how Logix AI system leverages artificial intelligence for informed decision-making. While results depend on precise execution, here is a glimpse of the possibilities:



Predicting the Future and Shaping the Present:

As a commercial/industrial establishment, your inventory management techniques are of paramount importance to your business. You’ll need the best way to plan for seasons, potential returns, and other factors that affect the establishment’s reputation.

Now, do you remember the power of predicting future demand that the previous Logix system provided? Imagine it multiplied by 10… 100 times! That’s what using the Logix AI system means.

Logix AI, along with artificial intelligence, can analyze historical sales data, market trends, and external factors to provide accurate forecasts. This not only helps with inventory planning but also with determining storage needs, hiring new employees, budgeting, marketing, inventory replenishment, and more.

Seasonal planning is a good example of how demand forecasting impacts other areas like marketing and staffing. When preparing for a busy season, you can plan to hire more employees in your warehouse and spend marketing money on products that sell best using historical data.

How do you deal with replenishment? When replenishing inventory, you should consider all factors including available quantities, products already committed in demand, and expected returns. Let’s look at a practical example:

The holiday season comes and goes quickly for most of us, especially businesses that see an influx of orders during this time. With so many products shipping out of the warehouse, you might worry about not having enough for the next few months. Therefore, due to the large influx of sales orders (for example, during Ramadan month in Islamic countries), you decide to add a few extra units to your next purchase order. The month of Shawwal, which follows Ramadan, comes and the purchase order you issued has arrived, but you did not expect that 25% of sales orders from Ramadan would be returned, meaning there is excess inventory for the next two months! What now? What do you do with the excess inventory and, better yet, where do you put it? The best advice we can give you is simply to not let this happen and be prepared beforehand! Forecasting demand using Logix AI system avoids inventory discrepancies and helps you consider all factors before deciding what to add to purchase orders.

How does Logix AI system help you make smarter purchasing decisions?

Logix AI system has a reporting function that helps predict demand, allowing you to make better business decisions about inventory levels, what to buy, and what to get rid of.

Here are 3 great inventory management reports to help you get started with demand forecasting:

– Inventory Ranking Report: Ranks your products in descending order by gross margin over a period of time and compares the product’s profitability to the cost of holding that product. The value of the report is that it shows you the products that take up the most space in your warehouse (and the largest value on your balance sheet) compared to their contribution to profits.

– Inventory “Views” Report: This report will show you the number of times or “number of appearances” of the product on the invoice. This report is great when identifying products that appear infrequently but make up a large portion of your inventory.

– Daily Average Sales Reports: These reports will display the average daily sales over different time periods (last month, last quarter, last year). It can help identify popular products and determine where to review reorder levels and purchasing policies.

Using Data as a Shield Against Fraud:

Today, most financial transactions are digital and faster than ever, but this comes with a hefty cost: companies have become more vulnerable to potential fraudulent activities! Without keen insight and specific customer knowledge, detecting and deterring fraud on a wide scale becomes challenging. This is why 58% of industries rely on artificial intelligence for fraud detection. The main reason the financial industry uses AI in fraud detection is that AI can find precise details that many humans might overlook, potentially costing companies thousands (if not millions) in revenue losses due to fraud. You can equip a system like Logix AI with rules for fraud detection, allowing the system to sort through them and make decisions akin to human intelligence. However, for it to work, the system needs a set of facts and rules to manipulate this data. The issue is that the system cannot “learn” new patterns, leaving it (the system) vulnerable to scenarios it has never encountered. In our system, we have overcome this by integrating machine learning with artificial intelligence within our system. So how do AI and machine learning collaborate within our system to mitigate fraud risks? It starts with machine learning algorithms that gather, analyze, and segment data before extracting required features (such as numbers, sequences, and charts) to identify patterns. The AI capabilities in Logix AI system can analyze massive amounts of data to pinpoint suspicious patterns and signal potential fraud attempts in real-time. This proactive approach provides peace of mind and safeguards the financial health of your institution. Machine learning models use training sets to predict fraud likelihood and enhance fraud detection accuracy. Therefore, collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data (and ensuring its cleanliness) are crucial for AI and machine learning algorithms. The more data they receive, the better they become at building better fraud models.

Predict customers churn and prevent your business from losing them:

Having dissatisfied customers is inevitable for businesses of all kinds. However, imagine that having these dissatisfied customers is one of the biggest factors that help you make smarter decisions, especially if you are a small business owner in the early stages of growth. The secret lies in extracting the truths/ or facts behind negative feedback and analyzing them to find opportunities to improve your product and services. Extracting these truths/ facts from negative feedback will show you the path you need to take to enhance your business. Here’s a quick exercise:

Think about a recent negative comment you received about your business:

– How often does the same complaint appear?

– What truth is the customer trying to tell you (i.e., what is missing in your product or services)?

– Is this a reasonable or actionable request or suggestion?

– How will you solve the problem?

– Have you responded to the customer?

While you can’t please everyone, these questions are crucial, especially when you start seeing similarities in problems. More and more companies are investing in technology to address negative feedback. Using the right system not only improves visibility into your inventory and financial resources and reduces errors but also helps achieve your ultimate goal (customer satisfaction). Losing loyal customers is costly. Artificial intelligence in a system like Logix AI can analyze customer data to identify areas that may pose a risk of losing customers. With this knowledge, your business can take proactive steps such as personalized offers or improved customer service, enhancing loyalty and customer retention.

Customer Follow-up:

Often, dissatisfied customers might leave without saying a word. This is dangerous for your business because they have the power to spread negative reviews about your company within their networks and online!

Therefore, it’s crucial to follow up with customers not only when they make a purchase but also on a regular basis to ensure they’re still satisfied with your products and services. Not abandoning them after the sale will make them feel valued and their voices will be heard. Think about your own experiences as a customer and apply them.

Risk Management and Avoiding Pitfalls:

Business and risk have never been good friends. While many organizations earn fortunes and conquer new markets through calculated risk-taking, they still strive to avoid it.

Some risks can cause companies to lose revenue, damage their brand, and disrupt partnerships, among other effects. Therefore, companies need to manage uncertainty and reduce risks.

When it comes to decisions, every decision involves some element of risk. Artificial intelligence in the Logix AI system can analyze diverse data points related to suppliers, customers, and projects, providing a comprehensive risk assessment. This enables companies to make informed decisions, mitigate potential risks, and ensure smooth operations.

For example, Logix AI system can help you manage uncertainty and reduce risks by giving you a better insight into potential supply chain disruptions. This is done by providing a seamless way to interact and negotiate with your suppliers.

Furthermore, it can provide a comprehensive analysis of your suppliers’ performance to improve risk forecasting, and gives you greater awareness of your suppliers’ variables as well as their production schedules.

Most organizations have general business plans that cover their next year, but do you want to create truly effective plans? In this case, you need access to accurate data and information.

If you are using separate systems for different departments and working in silos, this will lead to missed opportunities and poor decision-making and can significantly impact your business plans. To address this situation, Logix AI system works to centralize your data under one system. Instead of separating elements by department and technology, information can be easily and uniformly accessed by any department that needs it.

Predictive Maintenance and a Proactive Approach:

For those who deal with equipment, isn’t it frustrating when equipment suddenly fails and stops working? When that happens, you need to wait for an expert, determine the potential malfunctions and root causes, fix them, and hope that the machine doesn’t fail again anytime soon. This lengthy process and downtime can lead to revenue loss. This is where AI technology comes to the rescue again.

Logix AI system offers a proactive approach to maintenance by preventing and predicting equipment failures. This reduces downtime, lowers maintenance costs, improves equipment reliability, and maintains optimal operations, How? AI algorithms identify root causes and potential failures, allowing for scheduled preventive maintenance, thus reducing costs and boosting overall efficiency. A great example of equipment maintenance in action is monitoring delivery vehicles and knowing potential problems before they cause breakdowns by evaluating data on tire pressure, engine temperature, and so on. This makes the vehicle more reliable, reduces maintenance costs, and improves customer satisfaction. For instance, a delivery company can use an AI tool to monitor the performance of its fleet in real-time, thus reducing the risk of unplanned downtime by sending alerts to the maintenance team and taking preventive actions before the vehicle breaks down.

Enhancing Operations and Maximizing Efficiency:

Think of your organization as a complex orchestra, where each department – finance, sales, manufacturing, inventory – plays a crucial role (of course, without a skilled conductor, the music can easily turn into noise). This is where Logix AI comes in, transforming into a digital maestro that seamlessly orchestrates operations for efficient and profitable performance.

Here’s how our system achieves this:

1) Unifying Data and Processes:

Logix AI eliminates data silos, creating a single source of truth. Imagine your finance and inventory departments dancing in perfect synchronization, eliminating discrepancies and delays. No more chasing spreadsheets across departments!

2) Automating Workflows:

Repetitive tasks such as order processing, data entry, and report generation are automated, freeing up your employees to focus on creative and strategic initiatives.

3) Improving Visibility and Transparency: Real-time insights into every aspect of your business, from inventory levels to customer orders, allow you to make informed decisions based on accurate data, not gut feelings. Think of it as having a crystal-clear view of the entire orchestra from the conductor’s podium.

4) Streamlining the Supply Chain:

Inventory management, purchasing, and logistics are optimized, ensuring a smoother flow of materials and products, keeping your business in perfect rhythm. No more disruptive stoppages due to stockouts or delayed deliveries.

5) Enhancing Customer Experience:

Faster order processing, accurate tracking, and improved communication lead to happier customers. Imagine the audience applauding your seamless performance!

6) Boosting Productivity and Efficiency: With automated tasks and streamlined workflows, your team can accomplish more in less time, leading to increased profitability and growth. Imagine a more agile and efficient orchestra delivering a captivating performance.

Remember, enterprise resource planning is not just software; it’s a philosophy of integrated efficiency. It’s about eliminating friction, automating repetitive tasks, and empowering your team with data-driven insights. With Logix AI as your conductor, your business can transform into a well-orchestrated ensemble, delivering a harmonious and profitable performance.

Unleashing Potential:

One thing all business owners have in common is strong interpersonal skills, management skills, attention to detail (and perhaps a few other skills that could fill a 500-page book!)

While the specific applications of AI capabilities within Logix AI system are still being explored, the potential benefits are undeniable. Improving decision accuracy, reducing costs, increasing revenue, and enhancing competitive advantage are just a few of the rewards awaiting those who leverage this powerful technology.

By unleashing the power of AI predictive analytics within Logix AI system, businesses can unlock a treasure trove of insights and transform data into a strategic advantage for making smarter business decisions, propelling them toward a brighter, data-driven future.

After knowing all this, what is stopping you from using Logix AI system?

There is no limit to the ability of artificial intelligence to enhance daily operations, improve inventory management, customer service, supply chain, sales, and marketing. Artificial intelligence will lead you to win the competition and make you a successful company by increasing productivity, efficiency, and reducing un-necessary costs.

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