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The pandemic has forced almost all companies
Logix ERP
The pandemic has forced almost all companies

discover | Wednesday - 13 / 12 / 2023 - 11:39 pm

to find ways to increase productivity and achieve more with less I found the perfect solution in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems


Because we at Logix love numbers, we conducted a survey among our clients to ask about the impact of our ERP system on their employees’ productivity. Here are the highlights of what they mentioned.

The COVID -19 pandemic has forced almost all companies to find ways to increase productivity and achieve more with less resources, as they found the right and best solution in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.

Since we adore figures, we at Logix conducted a survey/questionnaire among our customers to ask about the impact of our ERP system on their staff’s productivity, and the most important of what they mentioned are the following:

Improving procedures has led to better customer service

One of our customers owns a large retail store and was having trouble with delivery dates.

When the company’s situation was analyzed, we noticed the core problem: the customers frequently modify their orders!

Since Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems allow rapid and flexible communication between different sections, tasks (informing warehouses of modifications and updating inventory, in addition to amending shipping and invoice details) have become immediate.

This enabled staff to give accurate shipping dates, and thus, providing a better experience for store customers.

Exploiting seasons is also possible!

In contrast, another customer had trouble to estimate the potential order by customers and suppliers during the season.

Here again the advantage of ERP in providing real-time data appears.

On the one hand, our ERP system helped the customer forecast order using order history and market trends, and on the other hand, it was able to forecast supply, by monitoring inventory levels and taking suppliers’ lead times into account.

“Our Staff is Happier”

This is what one of our customers said, after he/she noticed the ability of resource planning systems to facilitate tasks and reduce mistakes, thus reducing justifications and mutual accusations, which promoted staff morale.

This may not seem like an adopted productivity scale, but everyone knows that a happy employee means a productive one!

“Our customers are happier”

“I’m not saying that our staff happiness doesn’t matter to me, but customers are the lifeblood of my company, right?”

Our customer’s statement is not without truth. Companies actually need to meet and exceed their customers’ forecasts to remain competitive in a tight market where problems can arise when they are not expected at all. Hence, excellent customer service should be the primary concern of any company as it is one of the best ways to increase revenue and improve profitability.

This is what our ERP system achieves by releasing customer’s staff from routine functions, so they can focus their efforts on providing exceptional customer service, this is first.

Secondly, and the most important, thanks to the advantage of facilitating access to customer information stored in one place. The technical support team was able to retrieve vital customer details quickly without spending hours searching through multiple databases or file cabinets.

The person who said the above statement was not an employee, but rather a manager!

Simply, he had operational problems, and in the absence of an ERP system, his decisions were based on experience, intuition in some cases, and guesswork in others.

What is amazing, the huge difference he felt when he was, at last, able to see information from various sections in real time. This meant his ability to respond quickly to operational problems to reduce their impact.

After years of suffering with piles of paper documents, boring and difficult to organize, our customer decided to adopt digital documents.

He felt a slight improvement, according to him, but a new problem arose: This time it was a creative mess, with spreadsheets, PDFs and other documents, some duplicates and some missing important information, scattered across the company’s sections.

“It’s getting harder and harder to know who has the information I’m looking for!”

The most prominent features of ERP systems: Providing a (common database) that supports the company’s multiple functions. In practice, this means that staff in different sections have access to the project (surely the authorized one). All parties involved can see the project data they need to do their work and collaborate with their teammates, dramatically enhancing workflow.

Budget Control Unexpectedly

Businesses/Companies love a customer who knows exactly what they want, and this is the case with our customer who was looking for an ERP system capable of:

  • Providing samples to ensure that staff are able to adhere to and manage project-related budgets as well as internal costs.
  • Adjusting accounts and giving a clear perception of sales margins, profits, project-related budgets, etc.

But what’s more likely to be in favor of our ERP system is the built-in feature for the Project Management. Previously, where the customer had to invest in a separate program (for which he hired a project manager with a huge salary).

Breaking down information silos

As I expected, the term “INFORMATION SILOS” sounded strange to the customer, but we could not find a better explanation for what multiple systems do in its company: entering the same data multiple times across different sections, with the potential for inaccuracy or inconsistency, and ultimately building information silos.

Anyway, the term succeeds in drawing attention to how our ERP system gets rid of the problem, to be the sole one for most commercial and information activities.

Solving the Problem of Security Threats Radically

calendar plan 2024
calendar june date plan 2024

Just as the Covid-19 pandemic paralyzed the world, a “simple virus” paralyzed our customer’s business.

Perhaps it was not concerned with the question of, “Who is to blame?” as much as it was concerned about the risk of leaking sensitive information.

Anti-virus and anti-malware software may be able to address the “symptoms of the problem,” but they will still exist!

Fortunately, the customer found a solution to the core problem through our ERP system, which allows sensitive information to be restricted to access by authorized individuals only. In addition to keeping its data in a central system that protects its devices from exposure to malware, hackers, and other security threats.

Automating Processes to Save Times

Certain problems may seem unsolvable because we think they are part of the business, especially repetitive and “time-consuming” processes across the company.

Ask any employee what takes up the most time in a day. He/she will likely answer that it is a manual process, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is the only solution.

For example, our customer never imagined the possibility of integrating automation into our ERP system such as quoting automation, so that the quotation drives the creation of a sales order and communicates it to production executives and processing teams.


We were amazed when a contracting company owner told us that our system gave his team the opportunity to be more innovative!

But he told us how, with the ERP system facilitating collaboration among the company’s different sections, each employee was able to offer his/her expertise and perspectives.

Whereas previously, he/she had to wait for phone calls or emails to get the information needed.

Experts’ Point of View

When evaluating your options for an ERP system, remember that not all ERP systems are the same, so consider a system that matches your requirements, your company’s size, and how to operate.

At Logix, we offer a customized and cost-effective ERP software solution that is customized as per your requirements. Let’s transform your company from being made up of dispersed individuals to a powerful, unified team, a team where everyone feels empowered and supported in using their skills to move the company forward.

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