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logix ERP HR
How did our system earn the title of “Best HR System”?
24 April، 2024

How did our system earn the title of “Best HR System”? It wasn’t walk in the park! The significance of…

How can ERP save company`s Eng
How ERP systems save your company’s reputation?
22 April، 2024

Everyone makes mistakes, but some of them can be devastating. Or in lighter terms: the domino effect; A simple error…

Why does selecting the perfect accounting system appear to be a challenging task?
22 April، 2024

Why does selecting the perfect accounting system appear to be a challenging task? Let's begin by coming clean: Selecting a…

sales logix 1
?How a sales analysis report doubles your profits
16 April، 2024

! How a Sales Analysis Report Can Multiply Your Company's Profits by 900% They say "You can only improve what…

مميزات انظمة المشتريات ERP
How our expert system actually extra changed the procurement management in the history and now?
1 April، 2024

Amid the whirlpool of tracking purchase orders, managing inventory levels, and negotiating with suppliers, the life of even the best…

ادارة المعدات
Really, Who Make illegal Big Stick in the Gears of Equipment Management?
30 March، 2024

In the fast-paced manufacturing world, using technology of equipment management and production units is more than just an option. It…

نظام تكامل تخطيط موارد المؤسسات
The best secret to successful online stores lies onERP integration
24 March، 2024

The e-commerce industry is fast-paced and unpredictable, and it is dominated by fierce competition. In order to succeed in the…

نظام اداره سير العمل
This is a Way How to Avoid Low Quality and No good Work Performance?
22 March، 2024

There is no doubt about the impact of ineffective procedures on productivity and efficiency. This impact can even extend to…

Customer Relationship Management System
Actually Really, the truth our CRM system is the easier amazing all competitive systems
21 March، 2024

Companies strive for digital transformation in order to achieve the highest efficiency in critical business operations. A high level of…

كفاءة ادارة التخزين
actually, Magic Why manufacturers hate inventory management?
12 March، 2024

The short answer: Because the inventory management costs them a lot of money. Buying inventory is expensive, storing it is…

المعايير الجوهرية لاختيار انظمة ERP
Are ERP systems really similar to each other? Magic
8 March، 2024

If you consider the fact that an ERP system is like an umbrella that covers all areas and systems of…

Logix ERP system for non-profit organizations
The best ERP System for non-profit organizations
27 February، 2024

Logix is the best ERP system for non-profit organizations, meeting the complete needs of the organization. Logix Erp system achieves…

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